Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 20, 2009

Show me the money!!

I finally emptied out all of Karlee's eggs and put away her basket for the year. We decided to let Karlee put the money she found in her piggy bank herself. My family includes money in some of the eggs for the family hunt and the prize egg Karlee found had $10 in it! She ended up with 13 $1 bills and a whole lot of change. After showing her how to put one penny in the slot, she was hooked. She had the look of total concentration on her face the entire time. I'm just glad the change went in the piggy bank and not her mouth!


John Smith said...

that pig is bigger than she is!

Joanna said...

Tell Karlee Mr. Dave said she should open up a saving's account at Auburn Bank with all that money! :)