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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What will her future hold?

This is the look of mischievous. Karlee gets into everything and never sits still. I wonder if she will be one of those kids on medicine for attention disorders!

I know as parents, we often think about our children's future. We long for the best and hope for better lives than we had for them. Karlee is such an outgoing child with a personality that lights up a room. She is 110% on the go all day long and I NEVER know what is going to come out of her mouth.

She loves anything outdoors, anything that moves, anything that makes music, and anything that she can build something with. She is left-handed like her daddy which worried me for a while. How will I teach her how to write and use scissors, etc.? I did a little research on how to help left-handed children. In this research, I found that left-handers are more likely than right-handers to be creative and visual thinkers and better at 3-dimensional perception and thinking, leading to more left-handed architects than normal.

This totally explains a lot. Karlee is infatuated with how things work. She wants to take everything apart and put it back together. She will sit down and roll her bicycle just to watch how the wheel moves. She loves playing with her blocks and building castles and houses. Last week we had to build a house for each person in our family including the dog!

Last night after dinner, Karlee wanted her daddy to play blocks with her. She didn't even ask me because she knows daddy's creations are better than mine! She would help him place the blocks and want him to take anything out that she didn't see him actually do. If she got distracted by the TV and he put on a block, it had to come off and she had to put it back on herself.

So, I'm pretty confident that when asked later down the road what she wants to be when she grows up, it will not be an accountant like her mommy. I don't see a desk job anywhere in her future unless it's designing something. I think Chip would be beside himself if she chose his major in college of building science or architecture. We'll see what the future holds.

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