My friend from high school Laura tagged me last week and I'm just getting around to fulfilling my duty. I hope you all enjoy learning a little bit about me. Here goes:
What was I doing 10 years ago?This time ten years ago, I was getting ready to graduate from Opelika High School. I was a little sad and happy at the same time. My senior year was by far one of the funnest years of my life. I didn't have a care in the world (besides Dr. Hannah's class) and was having so much fun with my dear friends Elisha and Natalie. Our lunch table gossip was something to be admired. We commented on anybody and everybody, the good, the bad, and the ugly!! We had the most amazing spring break together in Europe that year. The memories are still so fresh (Corrie falling out of the window, a bird pooping on my shoulder, you girls remember the rest!). I knew I wanted to major in accounting and was ready to start college to be with the wonderful guy I was dating. By the way, his name was Chip. We have our ten year class reunion at the end of June. It should be interesting to see who actually shows up and how much people have changed. I feel like I still look the same plus about 20 pounds. I'm sure I will post about the reunion after the big weekend.
5 Things on My To-Do List1. Put dishes in the dishwasher
2. Fold some laundry
3. Pack up my at home office to get ready to go back to work on Tuesday
4. Write out Karlee's schedule for Chip's mom to start keeping her
5. Play with Karlee as much as possible
5 Snacks I Love1. Pickles, and lots of them!!
2. Junior Mints
3. Grapes (really any kind of fruit except honeydew and cantaloupe)
4. Chocolate Chip Teddy Grahams
5. Pretzels
5 Things I Would Do If I Were A Billionaire1. Put lots of money in some type of savings for Karlee's future
2. Donate to several charities and churches in need
3. Buy several cars and vacation homes
4. Build our dream house on lots of land in Auburn
5. Build my parents their dream house on Lake Martin
5 Bad Habits1. I bite my fingernails down to nothing. I've tried to stop several times but can't.
2. Don't exercise enough and eat too much fried food.
3. I don't pray enough and only seem to pray for myself and family and no one else.
4. I don't go to church enough. Chip and I have been visiting Auburn United Methodist for several months but only on occasion.
5. I've become a procrastinator. I guess I work better under pressure.
5 Places I've Lived1. 1302 Clearmont Street Opelika for 15 years
2. 1124 E. Collinwood Circle Opelika in high school
3. Steeplechase Trailer Park while in college at Auburn
4. 2988 Beehive Road Auburn for the first year and half of marriage
5. 2036 St. Patrick Court Auburn since November 2003
5 Jobs I've Had1. register clerk at Adams Pharmacy my sophomore year in high school.
2. babysitter for my cousins Hillary and Spencer Norrell the summer after I graduated from high school.
3. bookkeeper assistant at Adams Pharmacy for 3 1/2 years in college
4. accountant at Jones & Hamlet CPA's in Opelika during graduate school
5. currently managing staff accountant at Himmelwright, Huguley & Boles in Opelika. I had passed 3 of the 4 parts of the CPA exam when I got pregnant. 16 1/2 weeks of sickness made me stop the studying.
5 People Who I Want To Know More About1. Alyssa Northcutt
2. Julie Henthorne (now you're double tagged!)
3. Ginger Stephens
4. Joanna Reaves