We loaded up on the boat and spent the whole day riding, picnicking, and swimming. Don't get me wrong, spending time at the lake is LOTS of fun with everybody but it was nice and relaxing to just be us for the day.
We stopped on goat island to swim and picnic for a while. The girls like doing this because they can run around and play in the sand and then run out into the water like they do at the beach.

Madelyn was cracking us up with these chips and the storage compartment. She would open the compartment, put in a chip, and walk away. She would then go back, open the compartment, take out the chip, and eat it. She did this over, and over, and over!

My fearless child decided it was time for her to jump off Chimney Rock. So, in the water we went to let her try it out. Of course I did not take her up the bigger side where everybody else was jumping. She's only 4 for goodness sake! We went up on the smaller side so I could show her how to climb. I think the actual climbing was her favorite part. We started off on the low rock and she jumped 4 times!! These pictures are pretty close to terrible. Poor Chip was trying to keep the boat off the rocks and other boats plus keep Madelyn from jumping out after us! At least he tried to capture this moment.

Karlee wanted to move to the higher rock where some other kids were jumping. And she jumped!! I see lots of rock jumping in OUR future this summer.

Lots of swimming and playing made these two crash on a boat ride. Karlee was asleep before I could get her to lay on a towel. I guess she was comfortable!!

This may be our only "alone" trip to the lake this summer but it was so much fun for all of us!
so hot curled up sleeping in the boat, love to cumin her ass
There is nothing as sexy as a little girls ass!
face down ass up she wants it
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