After talking with many people in the fitness world and checking out various programs around Auburn (Fitness Together, Cross Fit on the Plains, etc), Chip decided that he could have a fitness center better than both those places and charge WAAAYYYY less for it. He had already started thinking about using his big truck and equipment tires for flipping since they were just lying around the shop. He built a HUGE monkey bar set behind the building and started gathering railroad ties and pipe for farmers walk exercises. It was just going to be a place for strength training and martial art type exercises. He talked to me about it a lot and really wanted to get it off the ground. With the help of his good friend, Rad, some Auburn policemen and Supper Club bouncers started coming out there.
Then, kind of out of the blue, someone contacted Chip about storing gym equipment in his rental buildings. The guy was a personal trainer and had to move his equipment out of his house and needed a place to store them until he found somewhere to put it. Then, another guy contacted Chip needing a place to put equipment he wasn't using in his new gym. Once Chip saw the equipment, he decided to see if the guys would be interested in setting up the equipment to be used in the warehouse. After it was all said and done and the warehouse was cleaned up and rearranged, Steelmill Warehouse was started. Lights have been installed and the power will be hooked up shortly. Eventually, there will be showers and changing areas and 24 hour access will be available. The membership list is growing weekly and we are really excited about the first Ultimate Fitness Challenge being held there August 6-7.
You have to keep in mind, this is a gym in a warehouse with some new and mostly used equipment. You won't find steam rooms and zumba classes! You will, however, break a sweat and get a great workout. Another lucky thing has happened as well. A trainer, Zach Bryan, from one of the other facilities in Auburn thought it was ridiculous what was being charged for training. So, he left and is now the personal trainer at Steelmill! Check out our website for more details on him.
We all headed out there a few weekends ago to check on things. Karlee plays out there all the time so she was eager to show me around and how all the equipment worked!
Contact us if you are interested in joining Steelmill or meeting with Zach.
Here Karlee let me put my hand between your sexy little bum cheeks and your thighs and boost you up the rope
Or you could jump up on my rope rub your hot little pussy against my cock until I have a massive orgasm o will lay back you keep grinding your pussy on my cock until your pants and panties are as cum soaked as mine Karlee you are so perfect that the thought of your hot little pussy grinding aginst my hard cock( every time I see a pic of you ) is nice but crazy I would love to taste your sweet little pussy
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