I would like to start off by saying that, finally, Madelyn is SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I put her down between 8:00-8:30 and she sleeps until I have to wake her at 6:15 on the days I work and until 7:30-8:00 on the days I don't work. It's pure heaven! I can even put her in the bed after her bottle when she's not asleep yet. She lays in the crib, plays with her bear lovie, rolls to her stomach, and goes right to sleep. She sleeps on her tummy now with her arms stretched out above her head like she's being held up by the police. It's funny to see when I wake her in the mornings. She leaves them up when I pick her up and stretches and groans (I feel terrible waking her that early but I have no choice).
We have also lowered Madelyn's crib. I walked in to find her standing one morning. When she saw me, she started bouncing with delight! Very blurry picture from my phone.
I think bath time is Madelyn's favorite part of the day. She loves splashing around and loves it more when Karlee is in there with her. This child doesn't mind water splashing in her face at all. It makes her laugh hard.
After bath, Madelyn covers her face with the towel and pulls it off really fast. I say peek-a-boo and she cackles.
As you can see in the pictures, Madelyn still doesn't have a single tooth. It has worried me a little. Several people have told me instances of children not getting teeth until they are 1 or after. She's gotten pretty good at gumming down food. We have started a little table food, mainly just fruit. She loves peaches, watermelon, strawberries, and cantaloupe. I've given her mashed up english peas but she's not a big fan!
The mobility has picked up from just scooting to full speed crawling. She piddles around just checking these out. But, when she gets something in her eye sight that she wants, she takes off. It's hard to get a good still picture these days. Ignore the bruise on her cheek. That's a weekend wound from her time with her daddy while I was out of town.
The above bubble is the one that I made and smocked. I finally sewed the snaps on the back so Madelyn could wear it before she grows out of it! Take a good look because it will be the one and only bubble I ever make (and possibly last thing I ever smock!).
I was sitting at the table with Karlee eating our breakfast yesterday morning while Madelyn was roaming around. She noticed Sable through the window and bee-lined it to the door. I had to raise the blinds before Madelyn pulled them down trying to get to Sable. They both sat and stared at each other for about 25 minutes before Sable walked off. Madelyn started knocking on the door and grunting for her to come back. It was so cute. I think Sable was looking at her and thinking "so you're the reason I have been moved to the back porch to live."
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