I just can't believe Madelyn is 4 months old already. I took her in for her checkup last week. She weighs 13 lb 7 oz and is 24 inches long. Dr. Greer said she is way advanced with pulling up and holding her head in front of her body while doing it. He was even more impressed that she was pushing herself up to the standing position while he was just holding her hands.
We have had lots of firsts at 4 months.
* I was taking out spring/summer clothes from the attic one day and pulled the exersaucer out while I was there. I put Madelyn in it just to see how she would do. She was a little wide-eyed at first but realized she had freedom to bounce and turn around. Thank goodness! I now have a new way to keep her entertained while cooking and doing laundry!
* Madelyn had her first experience with rice cereal on the night she turned 4 months. Her facial expressions just said it all. She was not a fan! I'm not surprised because it took her 3 months to get used to a bottle (which she still gives fits with). She prefers to be fed straight from her mommy and nothing else. Karlee loved getting to help feed Madelyn. Since Madelyn doesn't take a bottle at our house at all, Karlee never gets to help me feed her.
* Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'!!!!! Madelyn has become a little rolly polly. She was getting all the way up on her side for a long time but couldn't figure out how to get her arm out from under her. Watching her go over all the way for the first time was hilarious. She had a look on her face like "okay, what did I just do?" Karlee would lay beside Madelyn and say "look Ma-lyn, like this" and would roll across the floor!
* TEETHING - I am screaming this because it is about to do me in. Madelyn is chewing on anything that gets within reaching distance and drooling like a dog. She is perfectly happy and content one second and screaming the next second. Tylenol and night time oragel are never out of my sight. Madelyn has moved out of the cradle in our room and into her crib in the nursery. We did this because she WAS sleeping from 8:30/9:00 - 4:00/4:30, eating and going right back to sleep. Now, she is waking again a few times a night. The dirty diapers that come along with teething are making me wish a 4 month old could be potty-trained! 11 poopies yesterday alone. I really wish the teeth that are causing all this pain would go ahead and make their appearance.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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