Now to stop the sappy stuff...
My mom and I headed to CityFest with Karlee Saturday morning. It was an extremely hot day, almost miserable. Karlee jumped in a few inflatables before we headed off to see what vendors were there. I ran across the cutest hand-made dresses. I purchased 3 dresses and 2 hairbows for $40. I was so excited! We left around 12:00 and Karlee fell asleep before we hit Hwy 14 from Keisel Park.

Chip and I woke up kind of early Sunday morning and decided to spend the gorgeous day at the lake. Karlee had spent the night at my parents because we helped give a shower Saturday night for Jon Kirk and Beth Williams. We picked her up and all (including my parents) headed to the lake.
Karlee loved the boat. She was a little timid at first with the wind in her face. It didn't take long before she was running all over the boat and looking out the side at the water. This summer is going to be so much fun!!

Write this down in the history books. I actually cooked dinner Monday night for our anniversary. We have always used this day as an excuse to pay way too much money for a nice meal. I decided we would spend the night with the newest love of our lives and have a family meal together. Karlee helped Chip open his present and kept putting everything back in the bag and then taking it out again. That was her new game for at least five minutes. Chip gave me a new camera that I will have to take classes on how to use. He knew I had been wanting one since Karlee was born. He actually gave it to me the weekend we went to Callaway so I could practice on such a beautiful scenery. I still need more practice!!