Karlee and I then ventured up to the lake around lunch time on Saturday. She was running everywhere. We thought it was best for her to be in a life jacket while close to the water in case she ran a little too fast for mommy to catch her! She didn't seem to even realize it was on. I couldn't believe the lake was almost full. It is so early for the water to already be at our pier. She loved looking at the fish my dad caught. We waited until it got warmer in the late afternoon before we took a boat ride. We covered Karlee's ears in the cold wind since she just had an ear infection two weeks ago. My precious child is just like her momma. She loved riding in the boat and helping my dad drive.

Chip and I were talking Saturday night about the pretty weather and Karlee loving the outdoors. We made the decision that night that we would go to Calloway Gardens on Sunday. Karlee woke up around 8:30 Sunday morning and out the door we went. We went to the butterfly center first before it got too crowded to let Karlee run around. I think Karlee was more interested in the water fountains than the butterflies. She would see one and run after it but would then go straight back to the water.
"Miss Independent" wanted to walk every where we went. We walked a lot of the trails to see all the flowers in bloom. It was absolutely breathtaking in some areas. Apparently, March 21-April 25 is Spring Celebration when all the azaleas are in bloom. We picked the perfect weekend to take this spur of the moment trip. We could not have asked for a better day. I think this was one of the most fun days we have had in Karlee's almost 14 months of life. We just enjoyed being together and watching Karlee take in all of her surroundings.
We left Calloway around 3:30 and I think Karlee may have spent all of one hour in her stroller the entire day. She walked with us all through the trails. She took about a twenty minute power nap after lunch. We put her in the car seat and drove the scenic driving trail for her to sleep. It was instant eyes closed as soon as we started the car. We almost decided to head home then but the eyes popped open and she was ready for more. The last trail we went on, Overlook Trail, was by far the prettiest scenery. It was all natural with no paved parts so pushing the stroller(empty) gave me a work out.
Karlee even lasted all the way through dinner at Niffers with the Spratlin's when we got back in town. She was asleep by 7:30 and I had to wake her up at 8:15 this morning to get her dressed and fed before leaving for Parkway. Chip and I were even exhausted after yesterday. We were both sore this morning but were glad for the fun workout yesterday. I definitely recommend going to Calloway before April 25. It was a sight to see this time of year. Pack a picnic and blankets and enjoy the great outdoors!!