We started the weekend partying on Thursday afternoon with Sawyer Crim's 1st birthday party at Felton Little Park. Karlee and I spent Friday doing tailgate shopping with my mom. I also bought Karlee her first pair of shoes (3 pair actually). We're spending so much time outside, I thought it was about time for some shoes. They are so light I don't think Karlee even realizes she has them on.
We left the house at 10:30 Saturday morning to start the tailgating festivities. What a long day (and boring ballgame). Karlee did really well and took a very short nap in her Granna's arms.
Sunday we started the day with church where Karlee played well in the nursery. We ended the day with an 81st birthday party for my Granny. Karlee was the life of the party scooting around in her walker. She "walked" under the tables, into the tables, and around the tables the whole time everyone ate and when Granny opened her presents.
Needless to say, Karlee was exhausted when we got home. She actually fell asleep in the car before we pulled out of Tabatha's driveway. After a bath, she went to sleep around 8:00 and is still sleeping now at 8:00 am.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Are you comfortable?
Monday, September 22, 2008
Little Helper
I have read in a few books that getting your baby involved in your daily chores can be a way to play as well. I don't think crawling in the dishwasher as I was loading it and pulling out the pots I had just put away were exactly what those books had in mind!

P.S. The pants that are sticking out so far in the back are size 3 months and Karlee will be 8 months on Thursday. She crawls out of them when she gets to going fast. I'd say she's just a little petite.

P.S. The pants that are sticking out so far in the back are size 3 months and Karlee will be 8 months on Thursday. She crawls out of them when she gets to going fast. I'd say she's just a little petite.
Big Eater!
Since Karlee has been eating Cheerios, puffs, and gold fish well, we decided to see how she did with table food. Friday night I cooked squash and english peas with our meal. I sat Karlee in her highchair and poured the food out on her tray. She immediately grabbed a handful of peas and started gumming away. She still only has her two bottom teeth. To my surprise, she loved the squash and peas. She just kept shoveling food in her mouth.
Last night Chip prepared a wonderful chicken and rice dinner. I also cooked some carrots to see if Karlee would eat those too. She liked the rice the best and ate most of her carrots. Chip kept out a little bit of chicken to see if she liked it. With not enough teeth, it was hard for her to chew the chicken. But, she seemed to like it. We'll have to try meat again when she has more teeth.
By the way, Sable is loving Karlee more these days. She has become my vacuum cleaner after Karlee is finished.

Last night Chip prepared a wonderful chicken and rice dinner. I also cooked some carrots to see if Karlee would eat those too. She liked the rice the best and ate most of her carrots. Chip kept out a little bit of chicken to see if she liked it. With not enough teeth, it was hard for her to chew the chicken. But, she seemed to like it. We'll have to try meat again when she has more teeth.
By the way, Sable is loving Karlee more these days. She has become my vacuum cleaner after Karlee is finished.

Friday, September 19, 2008
Bahama Mommas (& Daddies)!
We've just returned from a wonderful trip to the Bahamas with the Dilworth's and Galimore's. This is our third summer trip with them. We all were married in the summer of 2002 and started a tradition in 2004 that I hope will never stop. We decided to take big trips together every two years. Here's a recap of the places, injuries, and special moments.
2004- cruise to Cozumel; Allyson knocked out cold from a flying bottle of sunscreen; Jay was "lost"; Jenny announced she was pregnant in the car on the way to the ship.
2006- trip to all-inclusive in Cancun; Michael got Mexican stitches above the eye; Brooke fell down steps and twisted ankle; Brooke announced she was pregnant at dinner the night before we left.
2008- trip to all-inclusive in Nassau; no big injuries (finally) just hundreds (literally) of sand fly bites on Allyson and Brooke; no pregnancies (yeah!!).
This trip was special because we all have kids now and appreciate the small getaways more but look forward to coming home to see the reactions of our arrival back from the little ones. We are so fortunate to all have great parents to take care of the little ones while we are away. It eases the thought of leaving them to know they will be in good hands.
The six of us felt like kids again after the water slide rides and trip through the lazy river rapids. We realized we weren't as young as we thought when the zillionth trip up the stairs to each slide got slower with each step. Look at this slide going down the Mayan temple, Brooke was the only girl brave enough to do it. Jenny and I played an important role on the ground as sunglasses and watch holders for the boys. (Yes, it was a very important job!)

Here are a few more pictures:
Beach at Atlantis

Beach view from our room at Sandals

Boys being silly (imagine that!)

Enjoying our last evening

Thank you Chip for the serenade of "My Girl" at the piano bar. It was just beautiful! LOL!!
2004- cruise to Cozumel; Allyson knocked out cold from a flying bottle of sunscreen; Jay was "lost"; Jenny announced she was pregnant in the car on the way to the ship.
2006- trip to all-inclusive in Cancun; Michael got Mexican stitches above the eye; Brooke fell down steps and twisted ankle; Brooke announced she was pregnant at dinner the night before we left.
2008- trip to all-inclusive in Nassau; no big injuries (finally) just hundreds (literally) of sand fly bites on Allyson and Brooke; no pregnancies (yeah!!).
This trip was special because we all have kids now and appreciate the small getaways more but look forward to coming home to see the reactions of our arrival back from the little ones. We are so fortunate to all have great parents to take care of the little ones while we are away. It eases the thought of leaving them to know they will be in good hands.
The six of us felt like kids again after the water slide rides and trip through the lazy river rapids. We realized we weren't as young as we thought when the zillionth trip up the stairs to each slide got slower with each step. Look at this slide going down the Mayan temple, Brooke was the only girl brave enough to do it. Jenny and I played an important role on the ground as sunglasses and watch holders for the boys. (Yes, it was a very important job!)

Here are a few more pictures:
Beach at Atlantis

Beach view from our room at Sandals

Boys being silly (imagine that!)

Enjoying our last evening

Thank you Chip for the serenade of "My Girl" at the piano bar. It was just beautiful! LOL!!

Friday, September 5, 2008
Lovin' those tigers

Karlee has no other choice but to be an Auburn Tiger fan. I count down the days for Auburn football right after the season ends each year. Chip is a converted Alabama fan (yuck!) so his veins are only beginning to bleed orange and blue. Karlee took a 2 1/2 hour nap Saturday so we just missed Tiger Walk. Aubie was still hanging around so I was anxious to see if Karlee would like Aubie. To my surprise, she practically jumped out of my arms to get to him. We only got a few pictures because other moms were waiting their turns with their kids.
We met up with the Dilworth's and Galimore's for a little tailgating. Karlee got her first kiss from a boy, Barrett. Karlee had pulled herself up on the cooler and Barrett just walked over and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Where was the camera when I needed it? I'm looking forward to the rest of the season and hope our Tigers play great.
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