Monday, April 28, 2008
Six Years and Counting!
Chip and I celebrated six years of marriage on Sunday. It really doesn't seem like it has been that long. We recalled all the memories from the past years on a ride to Montgomery yesterday. It sure has been a fun six years. I'm looking forward to the future now with Karlee. Chip took Karlee to breakfast with Michael and Thomas Saturday morning. It was nice bonding time for the two of them. Then the three of us went to CityFest for a little while. Karlee just loves to be outdoors. She took it all in with a smile on her face the whole day. People would come up to see her and she just smiled and cooed. She wasn't a big fan of the chainsaws at the lumberjack show. We didn't watch that for long. Chip took me shopping on Sunday for new work clothes. The old ones just don't fit the same over these milk producers!! It was a wonderful weekend. Happy Anniversary Chip!

Lunch Date

Karlee and I had lunch with Thomas and Brooke on Thursday. As you can see, Thomas found a new toy. He had a ball with Karlee's car seat. He also had fun trying to push her in the swing. Karlee wasn't too sure about this loud boy in her face. She kept her eyes on him the whole time. It was nice for the both of us to get out of the house for a while. Thanks Brooke for the invite!
Monday, April 21, 2008
A Few Firsts

Karlee experienced a few firsts at 12 weeks old. We went to the lake Saturday where she had her first of soon to be many boat rides. She acted like she loved it. My mom held her for a short distance then we put her in the outdoor bassinet on the floor. She kicked and cooed the whole time. She's going to take after me when it comes to boat rides. I could ride from sun up to sun down.
Yeah!!! Karlee slept through the night Sunday night. Chip and I couldn't believe it. We hope it wasn't a fluke and she'll keep doing it. I start back to work May 6 and would love to be getting a full nights sleep. I know I'm going to be ganged up on when I go back for missing tax season. OK enough about work. I want to cry every time I think about having to go back.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Random Pictures
I finally jumped on the bandwagon and customized my blog. I still don't know how to add pictures to the header though. This is just a work in progress. I was scrolling through my pictures today because I don't feel like doing any work from home today. I decided to post some random pictures of a growing Karlee. She keeps me entertained every day. The best time of day for her is between 7:00-8:00 in the morning. She is just waking up and is in the happiest mood. She's actually pretty much happy all day long if you interact with her. Her little smiles and coos just melt my heart. She's trying her best to lift herself up when I hold her hands. She's only 11 weeks though so I've got a while before she's sitting on her own. Enjoy the pics!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
These are yummy!!

Karlee's Favorite Place

Monday, April 7, 2008
Five Generations

Hard sleeper

Is it ever going to end?
OK. For those of you that had an easy pregnancy, Congrats! For those of you that didn't, I feel your pain. 16 1/2 weeks of all day sickness, the worst indigestion ever, and a dislocated tailbone during delivery were nothing compared to a few weeks ago. Around 2:00 in the morning for a few weeks straight, I would wake up feeling like I was having back and side labor all over again. At my six week appointment, Dr. Harris told me it was my uterus still contracting. He obviously wasn't getting the picture I was trying to create of the pain. A week later I called him back and he finally decided it was probably something else. After an ultrasound, gallstones were found.
I was pretty nervous about the surgery. More so for having to leave Karlee overnight than anything. I pumped for two weeks straight and had more than enough milk for two days. Chip was just thrilled to have to sleep in a chair at the hospital again! He has been great through all of this though. He's a great dad and husband. I sure have been pretty dependent on him lately. He has to hand Karlee to me each time I feed because it's very sore to lift her. Plus, I have four holes in my stomach that she lays on when she feeds. I can't lift her in her car seat carrier for two weeks so I'm stranded at the house. But, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for this precious gift from God. I keep saying to myself everyday: "This too shall pass."
I was pretty nervous about the surgery. More so for having to leave Karlee overnight than anything. I pumped for two weeks straight and had more than enough milk for two days. Chip was just thrilled to have to sleep in a chair at the hospital again! He has been great through all of this though. He's a great dad and husband. I sure have been pretty dependent on him lately. He has to hand Karlee to me each time I feed because it's very sore to lift her. Plus, I have four holes in my stomach that she lays on when she feeds. I can't lift her in her car seat carrier for two weeks so I'm stranded at the house. But, I would do it all over again in a heartbeat for this precious gift from God. I keep saying to myself everyday: "This too shall pass."
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