Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Tummy Time
I decided to put Karlee on the playmat today to see what she would do (and mainly to get her to stop crying). She didn't know what to think of it at first. Then, lo and behold, she rolled over and then over again. I wish I had the video camera because she looked as surprised as I did. She's only three weeks old. I thought this seemed early to be rolling over. She has lifted her head really well since the day she was born though.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Chip's mom came over to keep Karlee while Chip and I went for a nice Valentine's dinner at Moores Mill. It was nice to have a conversation with my husband for the first time since Karlee was born that did not include me feeding, pumping, or whispering at the same time. I never realized how much a baby could overtake your life until I was away from her for an h
our. I didn't know what to do without a baby in my arms and couldn't get her off my mind while we were away.

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Sleeping Beauty
I can't believe Karlee is three weeks old. Time is flying by too fast. Looking at the Galimore, Dilworth, and Wilson pictures makes me sad. It doesn't seem like that long ago when their little ones were born. My mom and I trie
d to have a picture session again with Karlee but she had other plans ... sleeping!

Tummy Trouble
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while. Karlee had her first tummy ache at 2 weeks old. Last Wednesday night, Karlee screamed from 8:30 pm to 7:00 am Thursday morning. Her little tummy swelled up like a basketball and she didn't bathroom all night long. Chip and I didn't lay our heads on a pillow until about 3:00 am when my saving grace came over to help (my mom). She stayed from 3 :00 to 5:30 when she had to go to work. We met Dr. Greer at his office first thing Thursday morning. He is the sweetest, most kind-hearted man. He held Karlee for almost 30 minutes and massaged her tummy while I cried my eyes out thinking I had done something wrong when feeding her. He spent so much time with her and ran some tests to rule things out. She had gas build up and air in her colon. It took almost a week to get her potty time and sleep schedule back normal again, thanks to Mylicon drops and tummy rubs. She was feeding every thirty minutes all day and night long because she couldn't eat much at each sitting. She's now back to smiling and enjoying feeding again. Chip and I are starting to finally get some sleep again.
Monday, February 4, 2008
Don't leave me yet
My mom had to go home Friday by force from my dad. That was the most emotional day I've had in a long time (besides Karlee's birth). I couldn't watch her walk out the door. How was I going to know what to do? How was I going to get through the night without her help? Chip was not expecting that much emotion out of me about my mom going home (which is only 15 minutes away). He was so great though. He jumped out of bed every time I did and sat with me while I fed Karlee. He even changed all the diapers. Morning came and we all survived. I just had to get over the fear of the unknown.
Granna's Love
A little protective

Sable didn't know what to think when she came home from the vet to find a new little person in the house. She was shaking Friday morning when I was stroking out about my water breaking and not having my bags packed yet. Then she was picked up by Elizabeth on Friday afternoon and taken to the vet to stay until Tuesday. We just threw her into something she wasn't expecting. Sable would run every time Karlee made a noise. She's coming around though. I caught this perfect picture of her looking at Karlee. Now when people come over and hold Karlee, Sable sits at their feet staring at them. She's becoming pretty protective of her new little sister.
Playing dress up
In amazement

Chip and I were laying in bed the other night just looking at Karlee. We can't believe she's already in our lives. The nine months of pregnancy went by so fast. It just seems like a blur (sick, indigestion, and all). Chip just stares at her every time he holds her. He has been the best dad. We both were so nervous about raising a child. All of that went out the window the moment she was born. It was like natural instinct kicked in for both of us.
Little Miss Piggy!!

Karlee loves to eat. I've started calling her little miss piggy. Her face is filling out and socks finally fit her feet. She's still in premie clothes though. The grandmothers had fun shopping on Thursday for little bity clothes. Everything in her closet is too big, even the newborn outfits. If she keeps eating like she is, it won't take long to fit into them. Just look at her happy face after eating. The smile says it all.
Karlee's First Doctor Visit

We had a great report from Dr. Greer at Karlee's one week appointment. He said she was just perfect and was obviously eating well. She had lost a few ounces down to 5 lbs 15 oz when we left the hospital. One week later, she was back up to 6 lbs 5 oz. We also discovered she was measured wrong at the hospital. They had her at 19 inches long. Dr. Greer measured her twice at 18.5 inches long.
We took advantage of being out of the house and went to Byron's for lunch. Karlee didn't even open an eye the whole time we were there. She is such a great baby. You only hear noise from her when it's time to eat.
Karlee has arrived!

Karlee Addyson decided to come into the world two weeks early. My water broke at 3:45 am Friday, January 25 and she made her appearance at 7:46 pm. She weighed 6 lbs 3 oz and was 18.5 inches long. Chip and I were so excited. We appreciate all the prayers and visitors at the hospital. We are truly blessed to have such a great family and group of friends.
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